Products > Cider Vinegar: Scotts Irish Cider Vinegar 330mls

Packaging: Glass Jar
✔️ Reusable
✔️ Returnable
✔️ Reusable
✔️ Returnable
✔️ Recyclable
Glass is a sustainable, fully recyclable material that can be recycled in a close loop over and over again. This jar has many reusable possibilities in the home or can be return to The Local Green Box Cavan.
Cider Vinegar: Scotts Irish Cider Vinegar 330mls
Scotts Irish Cider Vinegar 330mls.
Apple Cider aged on a vinegar mother for a minimum of 12 months converting alcohol to vinegar, resulting in a natural rich golden colour. Each bottle contains a small piece of the original founder mother.
Shelf Life: 1 Year.
Dairy, Gluten, Nut, Wheat Free. Vegetarian. Vegan.